Monday, December 26, 2011

Introduction To The Insanity

As the title says, this serves as an introduction into the insanity that is my world. In all honesty, my world itself is not much different from the one billions of other "average" people live in everyday. What makes my world in particular different, scientifically, is the way I view the real world and how I interpret it, or my schema. Personally, I think my little world is unique simply because it just reflects myself. And since this blog is a reflection of my world, it really doesn't serve a definite purpose. I just like the idea of having my opinion out there. Maybe I'll change the world, or help someone, the usual hopes everyone has, you know? But then again, I don't much mind if this ends up being something my kids'll laugh at someday.:) With that being said, I'm Rachel Elizabeth Joyce, and welcome to my little world. Buckle your metaphorical seatbelt and get ready for a crazy, wild ride.:))

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